I was so excited to capture this little cutie's cake smash. Let's start with the fabulous cake made by my talented sister, Kelsi. The cake was both sleek and cute, which was great to photograph. If you are looking for a cake be sure to ask Kels.
Along with the fabulous cake, Raylan was unsure about sticking his hand in it (I guess the cake was just too pretty to ruin). It took a while for Raylan to feel comfortable enough to really explore. With help from mom Shaye, he began to see the fun in destroying a perfectly well made cake. As he continued to carefully take the cake apart, I captured all of the smiles, giggles, and frowns from this little birthday boy. The cake smash came to an end when he crawled into his mommy's arms and sat there waiting for us to clean up.
Now on to the clean up! As we all quickly Swiffer Wet Jetted the floors we placed with wash basin full of warm water and bubbles in front of the backdrop and began session two. Raylan loved the bubbles and playing/talking with his tub toys. He was continuously smiling right till then end when he was ready to be done and offered a small pouting lip to let us know he wanted to get out.
Thank you to Raylan for being such a little trooper. I love sessions where clients don't worry about the camera and just go for it! Happy Birthday Raylan!