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  • Creative Shoot

    I couldn't wait to share this session! I collaborated with hair stylist Tiffany Aiken, from Designers Edge and Beauty-Himmel by Jasmeet Dhillon our make-up artist, to bring to you a creative shoot near Prince Albert, SK. Both of these ladies were not only professional but made our model, Chalayn feel very comfortable. I was ecstatic with the result from these two ladies, I highly recommend these ladies! All I can say is thank you for sharing your talents with me and I look forward to another shoot with you both! As Chalayn and I sifted through the endless wardrobe options we finally decided on two outfits that would best meet the vision of the shoot. On another note, I don't want to say my own personal style is boring, but initially it took me a while to decide what to pick out for this shoot. After gathering a few items I realized that I love this style and I now I need to go shopping (eek!). Anyways, Chalayn was so willing to try anything and I want to recognize her easy-going personality and patience during this shoot. As the weather posed as an obstacle during the shoot, we found shelter just outside of the city where it offered a cool backdrop (literally). As Chalayn wrapped herself in a beautiful blanket scarf we took off on a little hike through the bush to find a place that wasn't still buried in snow. From there we spent some time getting some great shots and having a few laughs along the way. Once again, thank you to Tiffany, Jasmeet, and Chalayn for collaborating with JC Photography! Enjoy :) All the best, Jas

  • Starting a New Journey

    It is amazing when you find something you love to do. Often we are told to choose a career that is more profitable financially, which sometimes leads us to a path that we succeed in, but never really feel like we thrive in. Following your dream is not without its challenges, but it is the idea of doing something that you love that is exciting! The best thing about photography is the story I get to tell through the images that I capture. Don't get me wrong, lighting, flashes, and all other technical aspects of photography is overwhelming to say the least, but it is part of telling the story. So, fellow dreamers are you fulfilling a path that you thrive in? If so, congratulations! Not only have you took that step, but you also accepted the risks and that is courage in itself. All the best, JB

  • My Very First Blog

    Welcome! I am going to take on blogging as another way to connect with all of you. I believe that this will be a great way to share who I am as a photographer, but also as a person. So here it is, my first blog (yikes!). I love photography, dogs, shopping, my husband, our home, and to travel. I am a Pintrest fanatic, who probably has more Pintrest fails than successes, but I am a firm believer in, "If you fail, try try again!" I mean until I get frustrated and just fall in love with the picture instead of what I attempted to create. I also love to be creative. Photography has been my creative outlet. I am able to feel like I can express my creativity through the images that I take. Be sure to look for future posts on creative shoots coming up soon! Finally, thank you! Thank you for taking the time to read my blog, tell others about my services, and believing in me. There will be a lot of changes coming up for JC Photography and I am looking forward to sharing each and every one of them with you. All the best, JC

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